Fivemiletown Puppy Farm
Please sign to stop the expansion of this barbaric puppy farm where hell on earth is very real.

Dogs here are fed via automatic feeders, an agricultural system used for cattle, pigs and battery farming. It is said to encourage the dogs to graze and prevent them from learning to eat and behave in a natural way for companion pets. These dogs spend their lives being raped twice a year, having their puppies removed from them too soon, suffering overgrown nails, urine burns, ear mites and infections, matted fur, walking in circles in their own faeces, they never see sunshine or feel a human’s loving touch, the list goes on ….
Please check out the BBC footage of this puppy farm, you will be horrified beyond belief.
The health of these puppies is compromised, and causes years of pain and heartbreak. Genetic illness is passed down through generation after generation. Not to mention that these places are breeding grounds for illnesses such as parvo-virus.
Bitches and dogs at this farm live a horrific farmed life pumping out as many puppies as possible while unsuspecting humans buy dogs with genetic disorders and other lifelong health problems,
all this suffering purely for greed and profit.
Rescues and pounds are beyond breaking point. It’s never been as bad, yet these farms are pumping out more and more dogs to suffer, ending up in pounds and rescues, or being euthanized as there’s
no room for them. All indicators are that a record amount of dogs will be euthanized this year.
Close every puppy farm until ALL pounds and rescues are empty and forever.
Animals are not commodities, they are sentient beings and should not be bought and sold.
See details in this link: From One Little Westie.
Please Sign And Share and consider donating to help this petition reach more people.

Please Sign the petition to get live animal testing banned in Ireland for cosmetics and junk science.
There are several reliable methods of testing without torturing animals.
See links below:
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (.gov)
We are calling on the Minister of Justice to direct Charles River, Ballina, Co Mayo and the 3rd level colleges in Ireland, TCD, UCD, UCC, University of Galway and any other entity to stop and desist with barbaric live animal testing.
0ver 85% of all tests are carried out without anesthesia and over 90% fail at human trial level. The biology of an animal is different from human biology.
120,000 animals, ranging from rodents, rabbits, dogs, primates, horses and other farm animals every year in Ireland, tortured and then murdered.
Most tests are purely speculative and aimless.
Several young students today have told us they are not comfortable being forced to torture live animals. Thank heaven for youth.
Please consider donating so we can share this petition further.
Let’s get this done. Animal liberation now!

Say NO to Deer Culling.
Please sign our petition to ask the Minister for Justice to call a halt to all Deer Culling and instruct the Parks and Wildlife Service to engage in non-lethal methods of maintaining our Deer and other wildlife as best practice.
Lazy management is not acceptable.
It’s past time to take the gun out of wildlife management. We can all live alongside each other in peace.
Animals are not crossing our roads, we forced our roads through their habitat. Better fencing, greenway bridges and tunnels are needed.
More re-wilding, no Culling and no hunting tourism should be enforced.
A transition to a plant-based society would free up 76% more land, which would leave ample space for wild animals and in the mean time non-lethal methods could be used, further researched and improved on.
55,000 deer were hunted and killed in Ireland in 2022.
People are making a profit from the suffering and murder of our beautiful wildlife.
Please sign, share and/or donate to make this petition successful.
A scene of horror in County Meath where five heavily pregnant deer were mercilessly gunned down in a field.
Fully formed live fawn foetuses – believed to be days from birth – were then brutally ripped from the bodies of the dead hinds and their throats were cut. Their bodies were discarded like garbage in the field.
The obscene barbarity took place on 3rd April 2023 under a licence shamefully granted by the National Parks & Wildlife Service under Section 42 of the Wildlife Act.
The horror for wildlife is playing out all over the country, with a huge number of Section 42 licences being granted by the NPWS who report to Heritage Ministers Malcolm Noonan (Green Party) and Darragh O’Brien (Fianna Fail).
Section 42 licences facilitate the killing of protected wild animals and birds “causing serious damage to food (including human food products and animal feeds), livestock, poultry or agricultural crops (including vegetables or fruit) either on pasture or on cultivated land, pen-reared wild birds on any land, other fauna, flora, a woodland or a forest plantation, or a fishery, buildings and other structures and their contents, or aquaculture installations”.
A message posted on the website of the National Parks and Wildlife Service this month reveals the high number of licences being processed for the blasting to death of protected wildlife – “Due to the volume of applications currently being processed, please allow up to 3 weeks from the date you send in your application for a licence to issue.”
Every psychopath in the country will be looking for a licence.
As people who should know better fill up their freezer with murdered Deer.
Please sign, share and/or donate to make this petition successful.
“Some text and photo courtesy of Ban Blood Sports.”